Maddalena Cardano from Stroppiano is the new Bèla Majin del Carvé di Vercelli


A more sober presentation, but with the usual charge of enthusiasm. This morning, in the Municipality, the new Bèla Majin was unveiled: alongside the Bicciolano Enrico Rampazzo, Maddalena Cardano, a 45-year-old from Stroppiano, will parade. Teacher at the primary school in her country and choreographer at the New Dance Center in Vercelli, in 2003 she played the role of “Barlitera” (female mask from Stroppiana). «I have always been fascinated by the world of Carnival so I jumped at the opportunity. It is a difficult moment, we will not be able to follow up on the usual meetings in the presence with children, the elderly, people who are sick or in difficulty, but for this very reason even a small gesture (like a smile) will prove to be extremely precious “. The mayor Andrea Corsaro, the councilor Ketty Politi and the president of the Vercellesi Events Committee Stefano Roncaglia did the honors. For the delivery of the keys, the traditional act with which the city masks will become the “master” of the city, the organizers are awaiting a date. In February (dates yet to be defined) the two classic parades will then take place along Corso Garibaldi.

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