Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin prices today February 6, 2022


Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin prices today February 6, 2022

Home » Economy » Bitcoin, Ethereum and Dogecoin prices today February 6, 2022 February 7, 2022

This Sunday February 6th progress continues on Bitcóin in the markets of cryptocurrencies, with earnings that improve its price, but are still far from the maximum prices of 68 thousand dollars seen months before.

After spending a couple of months trading at levels below 40 thousand dollars per unit, this weekend the result of the favorable stock markets and reduced risk aversion led bitcoin to exceed that threshold and trade at levels close to the 42 thousand dollars.

The first cryptocurrency in the world, and also the most used, rebounded after on January 24 it had touched its lowest point in months.

As to Ethereum, another of the most relevant digital currencies, the cryptoactive managed to break the psychological ceiling of 3 thousand dollars after a couple of weeks below that level.

Bitcoin price this February 6, 2022:

  • Bitcoin in US dollars: 41 thousand 723.20
  • Bitcoin in Mexican pesos: 862 thousand 873.33
  • Bitcoin in Colombian pesos: 165 million 196 thousand 227.60
  • Bitcoin in Argentine pesos: 4 million 398 thousand 922.51
  • Bitcoin in Chilean pesos: 34 million 592 thousand 111.95
  • Bitcoin in euros: 36 thousand 466.81

It is still early to draw conclusions, but after bottoming out in the foreign exchange market, it is possible that from this point the price of bitcoin will increase from there.

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Whether it is a short-term trend or will mark a line for a longer time remains to be seen, but markets are betting on a larger recovery.

Ethereum price this February 6, 2022:

  • Ethereum in US dollars: 3 thousand 019.21
  • Ethereum in Mexican pesos: 62 thousand 439.98
  • Ethereum in Colombian pesos: 11 million 945 thousand 625.13
  • Ethereum in euros: 2 thousand 636.98

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Dogecoin price this February 6, 2022:

  • Dogecoin in US dollars: 0.15
  • Dogecoin in Mexican pesos: 3.05
  • Dogecoin in Colombian pesos: 584.02
  • Dogecoin in euros: 0.13

As the currency is in an active market with a high level of fluctuation, before making your operations, try to stay well informed and updated, reviewing in the short and long term how it compares before you make your decisions.

For more information on this and other topics, visit our section on News dee my pocket.

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