CZ Binance partners with Volatik Buterin for possible Toonswap purchase Pancakeswap Soars


Binance Ethereum Founders find themselves in a side venture expected to bring millions, Toon Finance Roars

Meme coins have surged over the last 2 years, bringing investors millions of dollars and some even see Billions in returns. CZ Binance as we know is one of the richest men in the world at the age of 45 and he is already the so-called “King of Crypto ”. 

CZ Binance as many may know is friends with Vitalik Buterin 28 years of age. Bitcoin magazine was founded by Volatik as well as being the co-founder of Ethereum, one of the most powerful and most utilized blockchain platforms in the space. 

Rumor has it that CZ has been speaking behind closed doors with his old pal Vitalik about the upcoming Toon Finance launch which is said to be co-founded by some of the duo’s most renowned old college pals. 

Many may not know however a drop out doctor by the name of Charles Hoskinson actually helped found Ethereum and later on built the well known ADA Cardano network. Maybe he is a part of the Toonie team for all we know, experts in the field have seen the two having coffee together at the blockchain wizard’s estate. 

Cardano Ethereum Binance Toon Finance 

How Does Cardano Work? 
Cardano uses a unique proof-of-stake algorithm known as Ouroboros. Ouroboros requires users to stake their ADA tokens in order to validate transactions on the network. The amount of tokens staked determines the amount of rewards earned by the stakeholder. This system is designed to be more energy efficient than other proof-of-work algorithms like Bitcoin’s SHA-256 algorithm. 

Cardano is a decentralized public blockchain and cryptocurrency project and is fully open source. Cardano is developed by Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK) and led by Charles Hoskinson, who was one of the co-founders of Ethereum. Cardano aims to run a decentralized smart contract platform that will be capable of running financial applications currently used every day by individuals, organizations, and governments all around the world. 

Cardano is the first blockchain platform to be founded on scientific philosophy and peer-reviewed research. The development team consists of a large global collective of expert engineers and researchers. Cardano’s native cryptocurrency ADA was created to facilitate the Cardano ecosystem and is used to power Cardano applications. Cardano is a proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchain that uses an innovative consensus algorithm called Ouroboros, which was mathematically proven to be secure by IOHK researchers. 

Cardano addresses some of the major issues faced by other smart contract platforms such as Ethereum, including scalability, interoperability, and sustainability. Cardano is being built in layers, which will allow different parts of the ecosystem to be upgraded without affecting the others. 

This will also make Cardano more scalable than other smart contract platforms. Cardano plans to eventually become a platform for “networked finance,” where users will be able to seamlessly interact with each other and with different financial services providers in a single ecosystem.

Cardano also employs a layered architecture which consists of two main layers: 

●    The Settlement Layer – responsible for handling ADA’s financial transactions 
●    The Computational Layer – responsible for running smart contracts 

This layered approach allows different teams of developers to work on each layer independently which improves efficiency and speeds up the process of making improvements to the network. 

What are the Benefits of Cardano? 
One of the key benefits of Cardano is that it is built on peer-reviewed research. This means that every component of the network has been thoroughly tested and vetted by experts in the field before being implemented. This rigorous testing helps to ensure that the network is secure and scalable. 

1.  Cardano is a Decentralized Public Blockchain
Cardano is a decentralized public blockchain that is powered by ADA, the native cryptocurrency of the Cardano network. Cardano is one of the first blockchains to be built on the Haskell programming language and uses a proof-of-stake consensus algorithm called Ouroboros.

2.  Cardano is Open Source and Permissionless
Cardano is an open source project that is permissionless, meaning anyone can participate in the development and operation of the network. This allows for a large and diverse community of developers to contribute to the project, which helps to ensure that the network remains secure and robust.

3.  Cardano is Scalable
Cardano is designed to be scalable so that it can support a large number of transactions per second. The network uses a technique called sharding, which allows for transactions to be processed in parallel, thereby increasing throughput.

4.  Cardano is Interoperable
Cardano is interoperable with other blockchains, meaning it can exchange data with them. This allows for a wide range of applications and use cases, such as cross-border payments and supply chain management.

5.  Cardano is Secure
Cardano uses a variety of security features to protect the network from attacks. These features include cryptographic signatures, multi-signatures, and threshold signatures. Additionally, the network employs a formal verification process to ensure that smart contracts are correctly implemented.

6.  Cardano Is Governed by a DAO
Cardano is governed by a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), which means that there is no central authority controlling the network. Instead, decisions are made by consensus among the members of the DAO. This decentralization helps to ensure that the network remains secure and resilient against attacks.

7.  ADA Is Used to Power the Cardano Network
ADA is the native cryptocurrency of the Cardano network and is used to power all transactions on the network. ADA can also be used to vote on decisions made by the DAO and to delegate stake to others

Another benefit of Cardano is its token economics. The total supply of ADA tokens is capped at 45 billion which helps to ensure scarcity and drives up demand. The staking mechanism also rewards users who hold ADA tokens for extended periods of time which further incentivizes holding rather than selling. These factors all contribute to making Cardano an attractive investment option for crypto investors.

Toon Finance is a decentralized application that is similar to the well known pancake swap DEX which services the BSC Network. Toonswap however is going to focus on the Ethereum network only and by doing this they will be able to offer a wide variety of features. 

Staking options will be available with high APY returns. Yield Farms, P2E options which will also allow players to win money from other players in the game and not just the game itself. So you can actually battle it out and see who will be the last man standing.

Either way we skin the cat this winter, the DEX swap will be up and running by the new year. 

Why are so many investors screaming Toon Finance Now!

The cartoon meme-like  coin that made its debut in late 2022 has been gaining traction from P2E users from all over the world. Many from the Philippines as well as the United States and even India join the online party that brings most users more return on investment than their weekly paycheck from work. 

The coin has its P2E in beta testing however the drop will happen by mid January. This is super exciting for all of you gamers who also love to dive into the crypto and NFT meme scene every now and then.

How to purchase Toon Finance Coins

In order to get on the moon you will need to purchase some (TFT) tokens. First download a multi coin wallet. We recommend Metamask or Trustwallet. Metamask is best for PC and Trustwallet for your mobile device. 

Now you are ready to fill your wallet with Ethereum which will be the currency for this purchase. 

You can purchase Ethereum using moonpay or coinbase. 

Once you have the Eth in your wallet you will pull the Dapp browser up in your trustwallet and visit and connect your wallet. Once you connect your wallet you click the amount in Eth that you would like to purchase and press “BUY”. Boom Shakalaka, now you are a Toonie member. We hope that you found this article resourceful, please visit the Toon Finance website for more information. 

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