Maddalena Cardano crowned Bela Majin, the Carnival resists and brings optimism


Friday 28 January 2022 in the Town Hall in a single ceremony, delivery of the veil and the keys to the city.

Masks with masks … as a joke it’s not that great, but it sums up this 2022 edition of the Carve Vercelli. “We wanted to celebrate Carnival at any cost even in this situation. Because we didn’t want to skip the tradition, the Carnival of Vercelli is historic and very important”, with these words the mayor Andrea Corsaro welcomed the Bela Majin 2022 Maddalena Cardano and the Bicciolano Enrico Rampazzo in the council chamber of the town hall. for the double coronation ceremony, that is the delivery of the veil which usually took place on January 5th in the Acacias party, and the delivery of the keys to the city.

Greetings from Valeria Viesti

Before the actual ceremonial part, the “Bela Majin” of 2020-2021, Valeria Viesti, had intervened, who thanked everyone for the wonderful experience and wished the new queen of Carvè.

Magdalene’s speech

Maddalena Cardano gave a very passionate speech, with an oratory ability that is not often seen on these occasions. In the video, his speech lasted about three minutes.

Bicciolano’s intervention

For his part, Bicciolano underlined: “I join the emotion of the Bela Majin, I thank the municipal administration, which made possible this ceremony that we missed last year. In this way the friendship between us and the city ​​and I hope it is the beginning of a journey towards normality, thanks to the outgoing Majin, with whom I shared the debut and I thank her family who was close to me. Thanks Valeria for the two years together, one in the middle. I just have to welcome Maddalena, a simple person but with great determination, as I said right away, welcome to the family, we will start the year together, perhaps the elderly and children will not be able to have our hugs but it will still be a year of emotions ” .

Masks and authorities

In the room some of the city masks were present, the president of the Vercellesi Events Committee Stefano Roncaglia, a part of the council with the councilors Ketty Politi and Domenico Sabatino and the deputy mayor Massimo Simion with the vice president of the Municipal Council Gianni Marino and a Giulio Pretti returned to splendid shape after the months of covid and convalescence.

At the end, after the delivery of the keys, ritual exchange of gifts, the Mayor paid homage to the “kings of the Carvè” of the prestigious catalog of the exhibition “Prodigies of beauty” with the sculptures of Francesco Messina.

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