The Andy Milonakis NFT Show, EP. 19 – Goat Soup At The Lakers Game & NFT Worlds


Tonight, on The Andy Milonakis NFT Show: On the surface, everything is quiet in Goat Soup land. Under the hood, Milonakis is working like crazy to bring utility to his NFT collection. The price might be flat, but Andy took some Goat Soup holders to a Lakers game. Plus, he’s actively working on the hip hop album and talking to the biggest metaverse brands out there.

Let’s start with music. In this column’s last number, we informed you about Andy’ plans to record and gift a whole NFT-themed hip hop album to Goat Soup holders. Here’s Proof-Of-Work, a whole verse from what’s presumably the first single: 

And this is the song’s hook:

Also, in the Goat Soup discord, Milonakis posted a survey in which he asked the community if the first hip hop song should be exclusive to holders or if he should sell some to “non goats to bring more eyes in.” Apparently, everyone voted for it to be exclusive. We’ll keep you posted.

He also hosted a contest for the single’s cover art. This post’s featured image is the winning entry.

What else is in store for the Goat Soup universe? Luckily, Andy summarized it in the following promotional tweet. “You’ll get a free hiphop song mint, IRL parties, Integrated into Webb land, in talks with the sandbox for series 2, and next up working on getting an NFT World created for Goat Soup.”

Andy also gifted a free Goat Soup to some pseudonymous Twitter user that went to bat for the NFT collection.

And that bit of generosity is the perfect segway for…

How Milonakis Took 10 LA-Based Goat Soup Holders To The Lakers Game

It was all a dream… Both through Discord and Twitter, Andy hosted an LA-based contest. “I got a suite for Lakers vs Clippers in Los Angeles. I’m bringing 10 Goat Soup holders. Make a small vid showing me that you live in LA and click on your opensea profile to show me you own a Goat Soup.” Things moved quickly from there.

A few days later, Milonakis took the lucky ten to this private box suite at the former Staples Center. Fittingly, it’s now named Arena.

That’s what we in the NFT game call “utility.” The Goat Soup NFT collection is much more than a static .jpeg stored on-chain. And these holders could explain it to you in German:

In the Discord, Andy promised that he’ll do similar things in other areas of the U.S.A. Let’s see what he comes up with.

Goat Soup At NFT Worlds

We don’t have anything to show yet, but this might be the biggest Goat Soup announcement in a while. Milonakis promised, “Goat Soup World creation starts today. It will include play to earn mini games inside a custom designed NFT world for all Goat Soup holders to play and eventually earn WRLD.”

Our man is buying virtual land and developing real estate for the Goat Soup holders. How do we know that he’s investing his own money on this one? Andy recently tweeted, “Damn NFT Worlds 9 ETH floor and less than 400 avail out of 10K. Thank the lord i saw it poppin so i copped another one at 5. Can’t wait to get Goat Soup world created.”

Miscellaneous Milonakis NFT News

A businessman in his own right, Milonakis is involved in other NFT projects as well. Very successful ones, we might add. He “recorded pages of voices/dialogue” for the Voice Verse and his series sold out in 10 minutes:

Andy also did some voice work for his frequent collaborators, the Bright Moments gallery. Check out this Crypto Citizens minisode, that includes a full NFT-inspired song:

Last but not least, Andy finally met Gary Vee in the flesh.

A diligent internet citizen, Gary Vee is a frequent The Andy Milonakis NFT Show guest. Here’s his first appearance, and here’s the second one.

ETHUSD price chart for 02/26/2022 - TradingView

ETH price chart for 02/26/2022 on Bitstamp | Source: ETH/USD on

Goat Soup In The Real World

In The Andy Milonakis NFT Show’s previous edition, we showed you the first examples of Goat Soup fan art invading the real world. That phenomenon is about to kick into overdrive. Check this 3-D printed model out:

And these gorgeous paper stickers:

In the digital world, fan art is also thriving. Check out these “doodle reinterpretations”:

Andy Milonakis Fan Art

Goat Soup is one thing, but remember, our man is a celebrity. He also gets fan art, and we have to show it to you. Check out this sushi-inspired piece:

This Andy Milonakis, steampunk variation:

And this Andy-inspired Bubblegum Kid:

And that’s it for today’s edition of this NFT show. Expect fireworks soon. The Goat Soup universe is heating up.

Featured Image: Goat Soup's hip hop single's cover art | Charts by TradingView

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