TOP 10 Crypto Christmas Gifts & My BEST Wishes!! 🌲


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0:00 Intro
1:47 Crypto Socks
3:01 Trezor Hardware Wallet
5:37 Crypto Art
6:49 Trading Software
10:03 The Bitcoin Standard
11:14 Faraday Bag
13:36 Personalized Crypto Address
15:18 My Crypto T-Shirts
16:24 Comedy Physical Bitcoin
17:05 Crypto
18:05 Final Thoughts


🎄🎅 Get Those Crypto Xmas Gifts 🎅🎄

► Crypto Socks 👉
► Trezor One 👉
► 21 Hodl Crypto Art 👉
► 50% OFF 3Commas 👉
► The Bitcoin Standard 👉
► Faraday Bag 👉
► Personalized Crypto Address 👉
► Physical Bitcoin 👉®-Bitcoin-Collectible-Collection-Physical/dp/B075V2KQP8


📺 Recommended Videos 📺

► Technical Analysis #1:
► Technical Analysis #2:
► Best Crypto Trading Bots:
► Flipping Blockchain Domains:


1️⃣ Crypto Socks 1️⃣

This is a classic Christmas stocking stuffer with that little crypto twist. There are many blokes who wouldn’t have any serviceable socks if it weren’t for those christmas gifts. Why not shake things up with some cool crypto socks from Mighty Pelican on Etsy?

You’ll be supporting a small business too.

2️⃣ Trezor Hardware Wallet 2️⃣

There is nothing worse than thinking you are a crypto millionaire, only for you to discover that those coins have been stolen. That’s why it’s worth investing in the best crypto security money can buy.

In past videos, I recommended Ledger as my number one hardware wallet pick. However, times have changed. The reason why? Well, earlier in the year Ledger’s customer database was hacked and over one million emails were exposed. That’s why there have been so many Ledger phishing scams recently. 9500 users even had their home addresses compromised.

With all that in mind, I feel I have no option but to recommend Trezor as the go-to hardware wallet. Honestly, unless you have money to burn – sack off that €180 Trezor Model T. The Trezor One is just as secure and a fraction of the price at less than €60.

3️⃣ Crypto Art 3️⃣

I want to support crypto artists. Check out the cool piece I found at 21 Hodl in the vid.

4️⃣ Crypto Trading Bots 4️⃣

Trade crypto and want more time to enjoy other things? Well, a crypto trading bot can help you with that. I give you the lowdown in my video and tell you which one I personally use.

5️⃣ The Bitcoin Standard 5️⃣

What about the perfect gift for those crypto bookworms? Well, I think you need look no further than ‘The Bitcoin Standard’. I thought I knew everything worth knowing about BTC, however, boy was I wrong!

This is a must read for anyone interested in understanding money, economics, cryptocurrency, blockchain and the importance of decentralization.

6️⃣ Faraday Bag 6️⃣

Most people worry about things like nuclear war. However, the reality is that EMP attacks can cause a heck of a lot of damage. Protect your hardware wallets against EMP attacks with a faraday bag.

7️⃣ Personalized Crypto Addresses 7️⃣

My top tip on what to get that crypto fan for Xmas. Be sure to watch my vid to find out why!

8️⃣ My Crypto Merch 8️⃣

I don’t run ads on the channel. So, if you like my crypto t-shirts please do support the channel. This allows me to keep doing what I am doing on YouTube.

9️⃣ Comedy Physical Bitcoin 9️⃣

Get a comedy physical Bitcoin for those no-coiner mates. Maybe it will inspire a few to get into crypto.

🔟 Crypto As A Gift 🔟

Watch my video to get my thoughts on this age old question.


📜 Disclaimer 📜

The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial legal or tax advice. The content of this video is solely the opinions of the speaker who is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. Trading Forex, cryptocurrencies and CFDs poses considerable risk of loss. The speaker does not guarantee any particular outcome.

#Bitcoin #christmas #crypto #gifts #trading #blockchain #xmas



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