Carnival: crowned Maddalena Cardano – La Sesia


Officially opened on Carnival 2022 di Vercelli: yesterday, Friday 28 January, in the town hall, as well at the coronation of Maddalena Cardano, was held the delivery of the keys to the city by the mayor Andrea Corsaro to the Bicciolano Enrico Rampazzo and to the new Bela Majin.

A tradition, with a resized program, which it was decided not to interrupt: “We absolutely want to keep it alive – highlighted Corsaro – The historic Vercelli Carnival has important roots and is aimed at doing good. It is a party that even in a difficult period like the one we are experiencing will be able to bring serenity “.

After the greetings of Valeria Viesti, Bela Majin 2020, the coronation took place: “The first time I saw this mask – said Cardano – was in kindergarten: with the ingenuity of a child I could not understand why the pins of the crown could stand, now I know. Then at primary school there was always our teacher who made us paint the map of Italy with the masks of each region: then I never imagined that I would have played this role “. For Cardano the crown is very important: “It represents Vercelli – he underlined – for me the most beautiful city in the world; the one where I lived all my school career and where I studied local excellences such as Virginia Garrone, driven by the love my father had for the history of the city “.

Rampazzo also wanted to thank the Administration, the Vercelli Events Committee and the masks: “We hope this is the beginning, albeit slow, of a change – he said – I thank Valeria for the two years spent together and the his family. I welcome the new Bela Majin, a simple person with a lot of determination ”.

The Carnival program has been resized: “It is difficult to organize events – explained the president of the Vercelli Events Committee Stefano Roncaglia – We will evaluate whether with the new government provisions it will be possible to make beans and other initiatives. If it is allowed, we plan to do the parades after Easter ”.

“By implementing all the precautions – underlined the councilor for social policies Ketty Politi – we will try to make some charity visits where possible “.

Present were the deputy mayor Massimo Simion, the councilor for events and manifestations Domenico Sabatino, the vice president of the municipal council Gianni Marino, the ex Bicciolano Luca Vannelli and the honorary president of the Vercelli events committee Giulio Pretti.

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