Cardano Hackathon in Argentina – Cardano Feed


A Hackathon is a term used in developer communities to refer to a meeting of programmers whose goal is collaborative software development.

These events can last between two days and a week. The objective is twofold, on the one hand, to make contributions to the desired free software project and, on the other, to learn.

Collaboratively in a short period of time. 

The term is believed to have been created in 1999 independently by the OpenBSD developers and the Sun Microsystems marketing team.

The Cardano community has few experiences on the subject. Last year Occam Finance organized the first of many proposed events for the Occam community: Launches its First Developer Hackathon — The Occelerator Challenge!

In Wyoming, the Wyo Hackathon 2021, in September, the “Wyoming Blockchain Stampede”, in which IOHK participated, among other companies in the crypto industry.

With the previous experience of having successfully coordinated the Cardano Summit 2021 Buenos Aires event for 120 people, José Iadicicco believes that a similar event, such as Hackathon, could attract many developers, programmers, computer engineers and enthusiasts who want to participate, and he is feel able to organize it. 

The Proposal of the Hackathon in Argentina

The proposal of the Hackathon event is to bring together programmers, coders and software designers, to work together based on the Plutus language, allowing them to share ideas in a common space, with similar interests and complementary skills, to open even more possibilities for new perspectives of action, generating synergy in the community. 

The main goals are to strengthen the Cardano community, for which the hackathon is, welcoming newcomers, promoting the Cardano Community in Argentina. An opportunity is provided for participants to learn and work in groups, in a space and time to advance the problems that interest them.

Participants will benefit from the mix of skills that a diverse group brings to the table. 

Hackathons get participants involved in the process, and are a great alternative to a team convention.

The two-day Hackathon event brings together local developers of all levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced) to partner and compete in development contests, supervised by a qualified jury, in order to encourage collaborative work between them and the exchange of ideas.  

Teams can team up or cooperate with each other as a group.

The Hackathon event will be announced on social networks.

The prize will be an economic incentive for developers to participate and cooperate with each other, creating interesting ideas for the ecosystem.

One challenge will be the potential new Covid restrictions for in-person events. In that case we will limit the online Hackathon event, increasing the prize for the winners since that money would not be used in the organization of the face-to-face event.

The Cardano Roadmap

Hackathon, based on Plutus, in Argentina, will be a two-day weekend event from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. that will take place in a comfortable and easily accessible location.

Day 1

8:30. Check In of all participants and attendees

9:00 – 9:30. Distribution of participants, in 5 or more teams

9:30 – 9:45. A brief introduction will be made and the challenge, contest content, requirements and prizes will be announced.

18:00. End of the first day event. It will continue the next day.

The buffet catering service is available all day.

Day 2

9:00 – 15:00. Each team will continue with the project of the previous day from

15:00 – 16:00. Each team will share their project or idea

16:30 – 17:00. Announcement of the three winning teams and award ceremony.

The success of the event will be measured by the participation of at least 5 teams, and that at least 3 teams can finish their challenge. With a minimum attendance of 80 attendees at the event.

Quality also counts, so that the participants feel comfortable in the event, with adequate coordination on the two days, so that the participants work and/or finish the challenge.

A measure of success will also be that participants request more Hackathon events in the future.

The Budget

The organizers present the detailed budget:

  • Prizes: USD 10,000. First prize USD 5,000 + second prize: USD 3,000 + third prize: USD 2,000 
  • Editing of videos and photos of events: USD 300
  • Marketing: USD 200
  • Buffet catering service: USD 2,000
  • Venue expenses for the weekend: USD 3,000
  • T- shirts: $1,000
  • Organizers: (including marketing, visiting different Hackathon locations, t-shirt design, organizing contest content, hiring mentors, coordinating two-day events) $1,500 x 2 people = $3,000 
  • Mentors Salary : USD 50 per hour, for 2 people, for 8 hours, two days = USD 1,600 

Total Budget USD 21,100 

The Team

José Iadicicco. Specialist in IT, SPO, Telecommunications, Specialist in Solar Energy, Infrastructure, Engineering and Network Management Systems. One1 stakepool operator. Co-organizer of the Cardano Summit 2021 event in Buenos Aires.

Ke Hua Yang. Co-Organizer of the Cardano Summit 2021 -Buenos Aires Event. Experience in organization of Major Events 100+ people for more than 3 years.

You can read the original proposal at IdeaScale: Cardano Hackathon in Argentina

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