Oryen Network dApp Update Gives Cardano (ADA) Holders Another Incentive To Buy Into The ORY Live Presale


Oryen Network

Numerous use cases have been developed for the blockchain since its invention. One of the most recent and creative is the decentralized finance sector. Today, various blockchains have been developed with a focus on this sector. Amongst these, Cardano ADA stands out. A Proof of Stake blockchain promises numerous advantages regarding decentralized finance applications.

One of the easiest ways to participate in the Cardano ecosystem is by purchasing the native tokens called ADA. Holders of these tokens can actively benefit from the growth of the ecosystem. However, ADA holders have been looking for alternative investments during the current market downturn. The best alternative that many of them have settled on is Oryen Network.

Why Oryen Network?

To understand why ADA holders have been moving to Oryen Network, you need to understand how it works. At the core of the Oryen Network ecosystem is a protocol called OAT, which stands for Oryen Autostaking Technic.

The OAT protocol offers one of the most accessible means of staking in the DeFi world called Buy-Hold-Earn. To earn staking rewards, you only need to purchase ORY tokens and hold them in your wallet. From there, the skating rewards will automatically be sent to your wallet.

One of the unique innovations of the Oryen Network is how fast rebasing rewards are paid out. On other protocols, it is common for rebasing rewards to be paid out once every 8 hours. However, ORY token holders can expect to receive rebasing rewards once every 1 hour, 24 times a day. That is the fastest payout speed in the crypto world.

Another reason why the Oryen Network is proving to be so attractive is the size of the APY. It comes with a fixed APY of 90% at a daily ROI of 0.177%. It is one of the highest fixed APYs in the crypto world.

Moreover, the Oryen Network DApp is also highly secure. Unlike many other protocols, stakers do not have to deposit their funds in a centralized smart contract wallet address. Instead, they begin staking automatically when they purchase ORY tokens and hold them in their wallet.

Another important element of the Oryen Network ecosystem is price stabilization. On some projects, it is common for tokens to drop to absolute zero. However, this will never happen on the Oryen Network. That is because the Treasury feature is designed to maintain a minimum floor price. The Treasury pumps funds into the OAT during times of extreme price volatility to maintain the viability of ORY tokens, thereby protecting investors in the project.

ADA Holders

Recent Updates Increase Interest from ADA Holders

Recently, the Oryen Network developers introduced an anti-whale tax. This tax will be introduced throughout the ecosystem. It serves as an incentive for the ORY token holder to remain with the project for the long term. 

Whale activity, which could disrupt a budding ecosystem, will be kept at bay, helping it to grow and flourish. Because of this update, interest from ADA holders is through the roof. They now see Oryen Network as a stable, long-term investment that will bear fruits.


With interest in ORY tokens rising while still in the presale stage, now is the best time to jump into this promising project.

Buy some ORY tokens today and become part of the future!

For More Information:

Join Presale: https://presale.oryennetwork.io/register

Website: https://oryennetwork.io/

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