Bitcoin, Cardano and Big Eyes Coin Drag Crypto Out Of The 2022 And Into A Lucrative 2023 – CryptoMode


The best way to combat the onslaught of the current predicament surrounding crypto is to take your investment to burgeoning coins just entering the market. One such coin which has shown itself to ignite a frenzy is Big Eyes Coin (BIG). This plucky coin lands fully formed and functional, sporting a cute animated kitten and a backstory to melt hearts. This coin can currently be found on the Ethereum blockchain

At its moral core Big Eyes is concerned with climate change and most specifically with the current dire situation around marine life – and the overfishing of salmon. Big Eyes will allocate a 5% share of its earnings to charitable initiatives that prove themselves to be instrumental in the fight for climate and sea life.

There are currently murmurings around the need to invest solely in stable coins however, the prospect of making a deliciously lucrative return on a coin such as Big Eyes (BIG) which has already ridden a wave of enthusiasm and interest – seems to us to be a no brainer. Big Eyes (BIG) all the fun of meme coins and splices it with functionality. The team have put an emphasis on placing the user experience at its core. The age old dusty impenetrable approach that has loomed large across the financial industry is receiving a heavy makeover. Big Eyes wants to do for crypto what Apple did for home computing, what Nike did for Athletics, what the printing press did for literacy.

Big Eyes Coin will also utilise the increased interest in NFT’s to appeal to a community that place value on ownership of artwork while enjoying the ability to trade pieces in knowledge of their certified origins.

Bitcoin (BTC) Taking A Larger Bite Of The Market

Bitcoin (BTC) has long since been the Godfather of crypto – ushering in a new age of decentralised finance that has sparked not just an evolution in how many bank but also a philosophical discussion around autonomy and privacy. The coin though currently far from its giddy heights at the end of 2021 is sure to rise as its proven itself time and time again since its inception in 2009 that it is here to stay. At the time of writing the value of Bitcoin (BTC) was 14, 067 GBP.. lest we forget that just over ten years ago this coin had a value of approximately .. zero. The atmosphere has been frosty in 2022 but it looks to thaw in 2023 and the wisest approach is to anticipate this thawing and strike swiftly before it arrives.

Cardano (ADA) Looks To Rise Up The Crypto Leader Board

Cardano (ADA) has been making its imprint on the crypto industry for quite some time. Currency offering at the 9th most used crypto coin according to Cardano has put its efforts into creating a larger portfolio of utilities that include its DJED stablecoin as well as a project nicknamed ‘Midnight’ designed to deal with smart contract privacy.

Check out the links below for more on Big Eyes Coin (BIG) – this exciting new prospect.

For more information on Big Eyes Coin:





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