Best Cryptocurrency To Invest In 2022


1. Bitcoin (BTC):

1. Bitcoin (BTC):

This is the first cryptocurrency that started the crypto movement all over the world. Everyone wants to add Bitcoin to their portfolio. It do not operate with any bank or central authorities. anyone can own bitcoin and no one owns to control the bitcoin. Bitcoin the Peer to peer operating technology with network is opensource. Bitcoin is unique there might be many Cryptos but no crypto payments are like bitcoin payment and transactions. Its low processing fees, worldwide payments, very fast peer to peer transactions makes it stand out among Cryptos. Bitcoin is a Medium of exchange, Store of value and an alternative to tradition Currencies.

From 2013 to 2021 Bitcoin have reached it’s new highs. There is price rise 72% in 52 week record as per research. By the end of 2020 Bitcoin traded for $20K per coin. In 2021 it started to trade for $32K, reached its new highs more than $60K. As the cryptos are volatile in nature, there are highs and lows in its trading prices. The Bitcoin performance is raised in February 2021, March 2021 April 2021 and November 2021 Bitcoin is trading at $48K today. However one can never estimate its profit or loss about future prices and Bitcoin performance. Looking at it’s performance from 2009 to 2021, even it has suffered a notable corrections in April, It’s obvious Bitcoin will Trade in better position and prices. One can always Consider Bitcoin among all the other cryptos for investment. (Price $47K dated 29/12/2021 might be variable)

2. Ethereum (ETH):

2. Ethereum (ETH):

Ethereum the smart, decentralized, Open-source crypto, whose transaction are considered to be much faster than of Bitcoins. There are many similarities between Ethereum and Bitcoins but Operations, applications, aims of these crypto have huge difference from each other. They serve different purposes and aim for different purpose over all. Ethereum provides security and scam prevention hence considered safe and secured. It’s applications are in NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens), DeFi (Decentralized Finance) and in smart contracts.

Ethereum is something more than a payment, is a market place for various financial applications. From 2015 to 2021 Ethereum price is been Increased. Just like Bitcoin, Ethereum gained its value in 2021, Due to its applications in expensive NFT’s Ethereum had made its position in crypto world.

There are various trading done by Ethereum. In 2018 price of Ethereum was $1K (US dollars), In December it has reached $4K so its clear that its value is increasing. One can always go with Ethereum cause of it’s Uniqueness in DeFi (Decentralized Finance), Its a Blockchain application, which uses Ether as its cryptocurrency for various trading. There are several reasons one can consider Ethereum in 2022. (Price $3,800 dated 29/12/2021)

3. Binance Coin (BNB):

3. Binance Coin (BNB):

Binance Coin (BNB)is considered to be the most traded cryptocurrencies in its daily trading, its also a largest trading crypto currencies. There are various trading like classic, advanced, margin, P2P, Strategy, fan tokens, swap framing involved in binance.

From 2017 to 2021 there is a lot of changes in Binance Coin (BNB) pricing. April 2021 ($599) and December 2021 ($623). Binance Coin (BNB) Reached its highest value in price list.

It’s average daily volume is 2.0bn, 1million and more transactions per second, with 24/7 support. Binanace ecosystem is famous for its services, transactions, token sales, new token farming facilities, binance visa card, binance loan. Binance Coin (BNB) can be a choice to considered for 2022 investments. (Price $500 dated 29/12/2021 might be variable)

4. Tether (USDT):

4. Tether (USDT):

Tether is a transparent blockchain technology with stable currency, secured with widespread integration and token backed up by actual assets. There are So many Industry supporters for Tether for its features and services. Main Advantage of Tether is that it provides protection against the volatility of cryptocurrencies. Transactions done per seconds, its wallet are added advantages in this tokens.

From 2014 to 2021 there are huge differences in the price value of Tether. In 2017 may Tether reached it’s highest peak. In December 2021 the prices are maintained the same. One can also consider Tether tokens and add this to once Business or individual portfolio. (Price $1.00 dated 29/12/2021)

5. Solana (SOL):

5. Solana (SOL):

A fastest public blockchain, ecosystem with DeFi, Nft’s, Web3 with SOL internal cryptocurrency. Solano has changed it’s value from 2020 to 2021 and Reached it’s highest value in 2021 Decemeber. There are more 48 Million transactions done within Solana.

One can also consider the Solana for it’s smart contracts operations and Proof of History. Solana has no transactions fees so its considered faster than Ethereum. (Price $176 dated 29/12/2021)

6. Cardano: (ADA):

6. Cardano: (ADA):

Proof of stake(POS), a public block chain platform “Cardano” uses ADA as it’s currency. From 2017 to 2021 cardano have also made its position in crypto world just like Ethereum. In order to overcome few limitations of Ethereum, Cardano was Developed. Developers of Cardano are so confident that it will be a new change in Crypto world.

You should also know due to its Proof of stake(POS) cardano is called as “Ethereum killers”. Transactions per second done by cardano is much higher than Bitcoins and Ethereum. It’s also believed that Cardano might handle 1million transactions per seconds in future. If its about a security Ethereum is always a go for.

Charles Hoskinson is the Common point between both Ethereum and Cardano as he first developed virtual Ethereum, in order to overcome it’s limitation he developed Cardono. Investors are now more attracted to Cardano for its POS, Transactions, energy efficient process and planning.

Cardano Price is increased from Februry 2020 to December 2021. In august, December 2021 Cardano saw a raise in its price. It’s a Prediction that Cradano will make it’s way in the Crypto markets. So one can also Consider Cardano in the Crypto Investment plan. (Price $1.4 dated 29/12/2021)

  • After these 6 one can also go for USD coins, XRP, Terra, Polkadot, Avalanche, Dogecoin, Shiba Inu and polygon Cryptocurrencies.

The different types of cryptocurrencies?



Cryptocurrency is digital asset with digital payment system, a medium of exchange and are extremely volatile. Many Experts believe that Crypto gives better returns than the traditional way of investment. Cryptocurrency is not regulated by government.

This article is for informational purpose only, If you are planning to invest on cryptocurrency or you a first time investor on crypto asset, it’s recommended that not to invest a large value of your savings on Cryptocurrencies.

There are risk involved in these kind of virtual investment. This investment might not be illegal in some countries or part of the world, but there is also no Legal actions involved in case of any fraud or loss.

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