Milkomeda C1 Bridge Explorer is live!


  • Total bridge transactions
  • Total wrapping transactions
  • Total unwrapping transactions
  • Total ADA locked in the bridge
  • Average wrapping & unwrapping time
  • Last 24hr wrappings/unwrappings

  • Amount of ADA and corresponding fees
  • Amount of native assets/tokens*
  • Tx ID on Milkomeda C1
  • Tx ID on Cardano mainnet
  • Confirmation Time
  • Sending address
  • Receiving address
  • More filtering options
  • More sorting options
  • Chart views
  • Status — enabling users to observe the step-by-step process of each transaction in the bridge.
  • The Milkomeda C1 Bridge Explorer will also be expanded to show all wrapping/unwrapping transactions regarding Milkomeda A1 Algorand Rollup.
  • And much more

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Disclaimer: Cardano Feed is a Decentralized News Aggregator that enables journalists, influencers, editors, publishers, websites and community members to share news about the Cardano Ecosystem. User must always do their own research and none of those articles are financial advices. The content is for informational purposes only and does not necessarily reflect our opinion.

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