Dogecoin Toon Finance Shiba Inu Top Meme coins for 2023, Here is why – CryptoMode




The post-COVID-19 period has been an amazing moment for the cryptocurrency industry, the industry has encountered ups and downs, innovative solutions, relentless contribution from communities, investors have sacrificed, and several financial aid have been distributed to communities in need.

Right now, we would be focusing on three meme coins that have made a lot of people money, these coins have been tagged as the best investment in the cryptocurrency industry right now. These coins– Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Toon Finance are accumulating a reputation and they promise to give a massive return on investment(ROI), however, the industry is split into two parts regarding how far these meme coins could go.

Are Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Toon Finance trustworthy?  Are they smart investments? These questions and more are going to be responded to in this easy-to-comprehend content: 

  • The concept behind meme coins?
  • What should you do about meme coins?
  • What is Dogecoin?
  • A comprehensive statement on Dogecoin.
  • What is Shiba Inu?
  • A comprehensive statement on Shiba Inu.
  • What is Toon Finance?
  • A comprehensive statement on Toon Finance.
  • A detailed report of what market experts and crypto analysts realized after reviewing Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Toon Finance.

We believe that when you read this article you would have an understanding of meme coins and you’ll be able to discern which meme coin you are to engage in.


The concept behind meme coins?

A few years behind, meme coins were disregarded and written off by experts in the cryptocurrency industry. Back then, whenever the subject of meme coins is discussed majority tagged them to be tricky investments that investors should avoid.

Some investors decided to do otherwise, these bold investors engaged in some popular meme coins– Dogecoin and Shiba Inu and they surprisingly got rewarded. The success of these meme coins marveled the industry, experts and analysts started taking them seriously, interest in meme coins grew and which led to their popularity.

The success of meme coins could be attributed to the continual development of innovative solutions to the cryptocurrency industry, the creation of communities to serve as a platform to promote the community’s coin and engage users and investors, stunning branding, and the influence of retail investors and influencers.


Memecoins are the new penny stock that is making its investors rich

Dogecoin is known to be the original meme coin, according to CoinMarketCap, there are 5,000 meme coins in existence, this is a wide figure because anyone could create a new cryptocurrency.

Now that you understand what a meme coin is, you might be interested in knowing if there is any difference between meme coins and major cryptocurrencies.

The slight difference between major cryptocurrencies and meme coins is meme coins’ utility. The major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum were established to solve real-world problems, cryptocurrencies were created to form a modern decentralized currency with the aim that these cryptocurrencies would be accepted.

In contrast, meme coins had no significant purpose, the majority of them were developed to make profits within a short time. As soon as their prices surge many investors are accustomed to selling them for immediate profit.

To understand this statement better, let’s go back in time to when the co-founder of Dogecoin Billy Markus confessed that Dogecoin– the original meme coin was created as a joke to bring some lighthearted, kindness, and generosity to the cryptocurrency industry.

Notwithstanding their uncertain foundations, meme coins are experiencing continual growth, though some experts claim that meme coins might not be in existence within the next few years, most investors are happy with these amazing stocks and are willing to stick with the successful ones.

What should you do about meme coins?

Honestly, numerous investments in the cryptocurrency industry have proved risky, at the moment some experts are worried that the cryptocurrency industry is experiencing more gambling instead of genuine investment. 

To avoid this sort of risky investment, instead of buying and selling meme coins to immediately make a profit you can employ a better strategy at focusing on meme coins that can perform better. This might be difficult because no one can predict the future, all you need to do is to choose the cryptocurrency with a higher expectation to succeed and the one with the strongest fundamentals.

Due to popular demand, we are going to have a deep look at three meme coins that are viable options for investment, two out of these three have been around for a while and the third is the number coin in the industry.

What is Dogecoin?

Two superb engineers, Billy Marcus and Jackson Palmer created Dogecoin in 2013, Jackson Palmer was behind the idea of branding Dogecoin coin with the popular Doge meme. The meme “Doge” was deliberately misspelled to describe a Shiba Inu dog.

As mentioned earlier, Dogecoin originated from a meme, Dogecoin was created as a joke and a parody of Bitcoin fortunately Dogecoin rose to fame when Elon Musk started tweeting about Dogecoin, the coin started getting attention and retail investors began to buy in large sizes.

Just like other meme coin big coins, Dogecoin has an amazing community that is dedicated to raising Dogecoin’s profile. In 2014, the Dogecoin community reportedly sponsored a NASCAR driver and was said to raise funds to help the Jamaican Bobsleigh team get to the Olympics.


Here is a step by step guide on how you can purchase your own TFT coins.

First you will need to download a multicoin crypto wallet such as Trustwallet.

Once you have a trustwallet downloaded on your mobile device, you will need to load it with ETH.

Make sure that you are on the correct network at all times for this purchase which is ERC, Ethereum. 

You can purchase Ethereum with a debit or credit card directly from Changelly which is a centralized trading app. 

Once you bought your eth and sent it to your multicoin Trustwallet you will need to go to and link your wallet and click on the amount of Toonies you want to purchase in ETH and click “buy”. Your Toonies will then be locked in your wallet and available for trading the day of the Big Launch which is 01/26/23

Visit for more information. 

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